Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Jerry,You healed me uindrg the winter of 2006 and I a still alive and healthy thanks to you. Although physically all right, I have had many bad things happen in my life since then including the loss of my wife in 2007. I relocated to the New Orleans area shortly after that to be a volunteer and help people still affected by the Katrina disaster. I try so very hard to think positive but with all that keeps happening it's tough to do. Thanks for my life. Can you help me with the quality of it now? Also, I have a very dear friend that I love very much who is very sick. She is 50 years old, recently had open heart surgery, and now may require a liver transplant. Although very faithful she is to the point where she has about given up hope. I told her about you and your healing powers and she believes you can help her. Please contact me and let me know if you can help. Although I am living on a fixed income and still disabled, I will do all that I can to be of assistance.Thank you Jerry.